Maximizing your child's health potential is one of the most important acts you can do as a parent if not the most important. In this article you will learn the most common causes of sickness and disease and what you can do to not only prevent disease and sickness but to supercharge your child's immune system for maximum health.
People (your kids) get sick for one reason, their inability to adapt to the environment.
See, we live our lives through our nervous system, which processes and filters every physical, biochemical and emotional stress that we come in contact with, and does a great job at it until it gets overwhelmed.
Chronic and or acute stress from physical, biochemical or emotional stress will start to breakdown our nervous system making it weak which leads to chronic sickness and disease.
An example of this is when we go outside on a hot day.
Our bodies respond by sweating to keep us cool, but if its so hot out and our bodies can't adapt to the heat we breakdown and get heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
There have been professional athletes that are training in the heat, their bodies are unable to adapt to the high temperatures and they died of heat stroke. They were unable to adapt to their environment
When our nervous system breaks down we can no longer function at our optimal. This leads to unhealthy, habituated neurologic patterns, which leads to chronic sickness and disease.
It can take us quickly like in the example above or torture us for a life time.
This breakdown in our nervous system is what chiropractors call subluxation.
Here are some examples of what cause subluxations:
Physical Stress
Birth process
Poor posture
Biochemical Stress
Artificial Sweeteners
Second hand smoke
Processed diet
GMO Foods
Emotional Stress
Relationship/ Family problems
Peer pressure
Unmet needs
To increase your childs immune system and overall health, do your best to decrease the above stressors in your child's life.
Research shows that the immune system is under the direct control of the nervous system.
The authors summarized that subluxations can negatively affect the bodies immune response.
•Journal of Physiology and Manipulative Therapuetics, 1989; 12(4).
At the Rockefeller Institute, Dr. Arpad DeNagy determined that interference to the nervous system, due to spinal stress, resulted in serious damage within a short period of time. He recommends that stabilizing biomechanical care should begin as soon after birth as possible.
Furthermore, he indicated that this spinal stress tragedy may take sixty years to develop fully!
Subluxations interfere with our health in every dimension: physically, emotionally and mentally.
These subluxations create the downward spiral of chronic sickness and disease.
"If a child is subluxated at birth, that child's perception of the world is distorted and their ability to respond to the world is compromised.
This has severe implications throughout the life of that child! We are dealing with the single most devastating event in most individuals' lives, it's really that important.
Every child should be checked for subluxations as soon as possible after birth.
" Dr.
Christopher Kent.
So, what are the signs and symptoms of subluxation in a child? Unfortunately, virtually none until the subluation has significantly progressed, which usually takes years.
And by then multiple disease processes have started such as: headaches, migraines, sinus issues, chronic ear infections, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, digestive problems, irritable bowel syndrome and learning difficulties to name a few.
How can you find out if your child is subluxated? Take your child to a wellness chiropractor.
There the chiropractor will perform a detailed consultation and examination and use specific computerized technology called thermography and electromyography to check your child's nervous system for unhealthy neurological patterns.
Unhealthy neurological patterns can be the cause of your child's current health problems and or lead to future health challenges.
If subluxations are found causing unhealthy neurological patterns (nerve interference) is this reversible? Absolutely! This is done with specific, scientifically applied chiropractic adjustments.
A very easy thing to do which myself and most chiropractors find kids love.
They can't wait to jump on the adjusting table and get their adjustment. They even want me to adjust their dolls and stuffed animals!
Do kids under chiropractic care experience better health and wellness? This study compared the health of 200 chiropractor's children to 200 pediatrician's children.
Only 31% of the chiropractic's children ever had an ear infection as compared to 81% of the pediatrician's children. Only 50% of the chiropractor's children ever needed antibiotics as compared to 89% of the pediatrician's.
Journal of Chiropractic Research 1989, Vol. Summer pgs. 101-103
I encourage you while on your journey to raise an incredibly healthy child that you have your child checked by a wellness chiropractor to see if subluxations are interfering with the health of your child.
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