Sunday, 7 December 2014

Roboraptor - 2008 Hot Toy For Christmas - Roboraptor Review

Roboraptor is the new incarnation of the dinosaur.
He is spreading on the earth.

It is ready for the new dinosaur revolution.

Why is He such a hot toy? This robot comes fully assembled and he has movable arms, a swiveling head, a sweeping tail, and a chomping jaw full of pointy teeth. He is quite big, measuring almost 32 inches.
It is big enough to intimidate any other creature that may come along. He has an infrared vision system which detects objects in his path.

Roboraptor responds to touch and sounds and he has three motions: walking, running and predatory gait.

He has such unique moves, the way he rotates his head and neck, swings his tail, sniffing action, toe roars, all come together to form one of the most realistic robot dinosaur toys you'll ever see.
In playful mode this animal will greet your every action just like a little puppy dog that's happy to see you, wagging his whole body.

If you put something in his mouth he will play "tug of war"; touch his tail and you'll see his tail up in the air.
My favorite part about the Roboraptor is the Free Roam mode, which means that it moves on its own. This is very cool because it's like a real cyborg animal. Roboraptor can do fights with other animals which is always a lot of fun.
However, it is best to use this robot on wood or tile, because it can walk and run easier.
Don't worry, it will not scratch the floors because it has pads on its toes.

Roboraptor is a doer, not a thinker! He doesn't need to stare at a wall and try to figure out what it is, all he needs to do is decide if he wants to avoid or attack it and that's what makes Him a biomorphic autonomous robot.
It is indeed a hot toy for Christmas, a toy that will make a difference in your kids' play. Little boys would love this toy.

It can be even entertaining for teens too.

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